Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post 4: SMART Board integrated curriculum

On my final day of fieldwork with my class at Davis Magnet School, my teacher suggested something that I found to be quite interesting. As I was interviewing her regarding the use of technology in her classroom, she mentioned how great it would be to have a SMART Board integrated/utilizing curriculum. She found that while the SMART Board was a great tool to keep students more engaged, but there wasn't enough materials for her to use the smart board for. We were thinking... wouldn't it be great if there was a curriculum that was filled with activities and tools to use with the SMART Board to teach the state-required materials? Because currently, she is having to dig around for stuff online to find things that are only somewhat relevant to what her class is covering. While not every school has the privilege of having SMART Boards in every class, for those that do, I believe that it would be of great help to the teachers for there to be SMART Board integrated curriculum. I'm sure SOMEBODY is already working on compiling resources and tools for such a curriculum. Maybe we'll be seeing them being used in schools in the future.

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